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[{"reviewer_name":"David Maus","review_text":"\"As we get older we can lose the ability to be mentally and physically sharp. To combat this I've started taking NAD+. I work closely with Blokes to ensure everything I take is right for me.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/dmaus.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"Eric Hinman","review_text":"\"Not only did I see my biomarkers improve, I know I'm taking exactly what my body needs for better performance and better day to day life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/erich.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"CJ Finley","review_text":"\"For years I suffered behind closed doors even though I thought I was doing all the right things. It wasn't until I started working with Blokes did I start to feel better and improve my my life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/CJ-.jpeg"}]

Fall Asleep Faster

By Josh Whalen
May 4, 2022

3 Easy Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Our time is precious so many people are asking doctors how to improve sleep quality and fall asleep faster. Everywhere you turn, there is new health advice or a wellness influencer sharing a new trend promising better health, more endurance, or a fitter body. Sleep is the one thing that seems to go overlooked in the wellness sphere and ignoring it is dangerous. 

With our modern-day lives, unrelenting use of screens, and prevalent “hustle culture,” people waking up before sunrise are often praised for their drive and determination. However, as your health will ultimately tell you, there are no prizes for the shortest night’s sleep or waking up the earliest. (Risks to consider are high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart attack – all potential byproducts of not getting enough sleep.) Many of the same people who boast the “rise and grind” mantra are also working all hours of the night, stressed out about deadlines or closing deals, and once they do put their head to the pillow, find that they toss and turn much of the night. 

Once sleep issues become chronic, a myriad of health issues can arise such as heart failure, stroke, and a weaker immune system. Sleep deprivation also contributes to low libido, and dry, dull skin that can exacerbate signs of premature aging. 

Luckily, there are easy steps to take each night that can improve the quality and duration of your sleep. So consider these tried-and-true tips before you set the alarm. 

3 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster 

1. Eliminate screen time at least an hour before bedtime. Smartphones are a modern marvel – they keep us connected, informed, and promote productivity like nothing that has ever come before it. Screens have also created a monster for many of us. Compulsively scrolling in bed throws off your circadian rhythm, your body’s internal clock that triggers feelings of sleepiness, hunger, and more. This is why you often can’t fall asleep easily after that late-night TikTok binge. Experts recommend a one-hour break before bed, but putting the phone down even a half-hour earlier will make a positive impact on your sleep. 

2. Write tomorrow’s to-do list today. One culprit of spotty sleep is mounting stress about the coming day’s to-do list. A 2018 study found that people who write a to-do list before bed fall asleep faster. The key researchers say, "it is the mental transfer of upcoming responsibilities before bedtime which eased the mind and facilitated more restful sleep." The more specific the to-do lists, the quicker test patients dozed off. So, write it down and if you want better sleep, and a calmer morning, don’t skimp on the details! 

3. Soak up the sun in the morning. The further we as a species drift away from nature, the worse our health becomes. Regulating your circadian rhythm is a free and easy way to optimize your sleep and ultimately your overall health. Getting outside into the sunlight, within the first hour of waking ideally is important before engaging in Instagram comments or the email with an 'urgent' subject line. This will streamline critical biological processes that can help you feel awake and alert during the day and sleepy at night. 

There are many facets to health with diet, exercise, and stress management often topping the list. Arguably one of the most important things to prioritize is getting enough sleep each night. Before you hyper-focus on a rigorous workouts or eliminate carbs this summer season, focusing on this one thing better sleep. Many experts consider this the cornerstone of vitality that can make all the difference in how you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

At Blokes, we are dedicated to providing customized solutions proven to help you feel like you again. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our licensed providers.

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